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To find blue hope just scratch the red surface-- Bettina Davis May 2002.
Welcome To All The New Stubackers! Well – I seem to have a big influx of new readers! Can’t think why…. Please feel free to say hello in here, and please check out the archives and have a good old read of some past articles! EDIT – The response to this is overwhelming!
Thank you all SO MUCH!!! Long live The Man Who Saved Movies!
Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars Disney Wiki. Story by. Dani Vetere. Jim Bernstein. Martin Olson.
- The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs.
- This is a list of significant events involving American television in 2011. Events listed include television show debuts, finales, cancellations, and channel launches.

Scott Peterson. Written and storyboards by. Kyle Menke. John Mathot. Mike Bell. Michael Diederich.
Michael B. Singleton. Edward Rivera. Patrick O'Connor. Joe Orrantia. Eddie Pittman. Directed by. Robert F. Hughes. Sue Perrotto. Assistant Director: Russell Calabrese"Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" is a special hour- length episode of Phineas and Ferb that premiered on Disney Channel on July 2.
As suggested by the title, it is a crossover with the Star Wars characters. Phineas and Ferb are living just one moisture farm over from Luke Skywalker on the planet of Tatooine when R2- D2 and the Death Star plans inadvertently fall into their speeder. With the fate of the galaxy thrust upon their shoulders, they hire pilot Isabella, Han Solo's rival, to help them return the plans to the Rebel Alliance. Complicating matters, low- ranking Stormtrooper. Candace is intent on busting the Rebels and chases them across the galaxy in hopes of retrieving the Death Star plans.
Well – I seem to have a big influx of new readers! Can’t think why. *ahem* Please feel free to say hello in here, and please check out the archives and have a. Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" is a special hour-length episode of Phineas and Ferb that.
Meanwhile, intergalactic chaos erupts on the Death Star when Perry the Rebelpus is trapped in carbonite while trying to stop Darthenshmirtz from using his new "Sith- inator." The saga takes a turn for the worse when Ferb is accidentally caught in the crossfire of the "Sith- inator," changing him into a full- fledged Sith and leading to an epic first- time battle between the brothers. Episode Summary. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. Danville.. After a couple of false starts, our narrator, voice acting veteran Jim Cummings, tells us of two young moisture farmers on Tatooine with no intention of leaving their home and that the Galactic Empire had finished its construction of the Death Star.
He also tells us that the Rebel Alliance sent a platypus to gather the plans of the Death Star. He then assures us that the following episode will not fall under the canon of neither Phineas and Ferb nor Star Wars. Perry the Rebelpus infiltrates the Empire's corporate office and steals the disc containing the Death Star plans. After being chased by a group of Stormtroopers, he gets away on his ship and goes on a Star Destroyer. He passes the plans to Princess Leia. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, two young moisture farmers named Phineas and Ferb are having the time of their lives. They stop by their neighbor, Luke Skywalker, to show him the modifications they made to their speeder.
Phineas offers to trick out Luke's moisture farm, but Luke says that Uncle Owen prefers to do things the old- fashioned way. After they leave, Luke sees the Star Destroyer through his binoculars. Back on the Star Destroyers, three low- level Stormtroopers named Candace (operating code TK- 9.

Buford and Baljeet are excited about busting some Rebels, but Candace's commanding officer (Simon Pegg) instructs her to get some socks for Darth Vader. Elsewhere, Princess Leia stores the plans for the Death Star into R2- D2, and is about to record a message to Obi- Wan Kenobi when she tells Agent P to back away since she only wants to be in the shot. Buford sees Leia and Candace goes to her commander to bust her, bust her commander still puts her on sock detail. Watch The Shawshank Redemption IMDB there. Candace goes back to the others, but Buford tells her that Leia escaped, but that R2- D2 is going into an escape pod. R2's companion, C- 3. PO, follows him. Two Imperial Officers see this escape pod flying away, but since there are droids on it, they assume there are no life forms on it.
So they decide to get some coffee, or Sith Roast. Candace tells Buford and Baljeet to get into another escape pod and follow the droids. On a ship that is vaguely shaped like Ferb's head, Darthenshmirtz, the lowest of the Darths, is looking at the Death Star with his droid, Norm- 3. K2 Online Putlocker more. PO. He complains that the Death Star was originally his idea, and that he invented it to be a nutcracker.
He is hard at work on a brand new invention, but it runs on the power of the Force. Watch Which Way Home Online (2017). On Tatooine, C- 3.
PO, annoyed at R2, decides to separate from his companion. On another part, Candace, Buford, and Baljeet get out of the escape pod, but they go the wrong direction. Agent P, who was also in their escape pod, follows the tracks made by R2- D2. Buford asks Candace why she became a Stormtrooper, and Candace sings her answer. A Stormtrooper shows the commander what he believes to be part of a droid, but the commander says it is only a bathtub stopper. Candace approaches her commander and the commander lets slip that the Death Star plans are missing. He instructs her to get some socks from Mos Eisley.
Phineas and Ferb return home for lunch. Their mother, Linda, looks at their list of things to do. Their stepfather, Lawrence, insists that they go to summer camp on Naboo and Linda suggests they go to ski camp on ice planet Hoth, but Phineas passes.
He insists he has no ambitions to leave Tatooine. He and Ferb take off after finishing their lunch.
Meanwhile, Perry spies on the Jawas who took R2- D2 onto their giant sandcrawler. He sneaks onto the sandcrawler. The next day, Luke and Uncle Owen buy a couple of droids from the Jawas, but the red R2 unit malfunctions, so he takes C- 3. PO and R2- D2. Darthenshmirtz's ship lands in one of the docking bays of the Death Star. Darthenshmirtz heads off to his lair, which is really an abandoned recycling compartment.
He sees Vader while on the moving sidewalk and attempts to get his attention, but Vader does not notice him. Back at the Skywalker farm, while C- 3. PO takes an oil bath, Agent P leads R2 out. Phineas and Ferb return home after giving a bantha a shower but accidentally bump into R2. They see the message Leia recorded and assume that Obi- Wan Kenobi is actually Ben Kenobi (which he is) and decide to return R2 to him. R2 then says he would rather go out on his own.
Suddenly, Agent P falls off a cliff and accidentally ruins a young Tusken Raider's birthday party. It is then shown that the disc containing the Death Star plans was accidentally left in the backseat of Phineas and Ferb's speeder. The next morning, Agent P rebakes the Tusken Raider's birthday cake. He receives intel from his superior, Major Hologram, that the R2 unit is safely with Kenobi, but Perry knows this is not the case.
He is then further instructed about Darthenshmirtz's newest inator and is told to stop him. Phineas and Ferb leave their home for another task, but they then discover the disc in the backseat. Ferb tells his brother that R2- D2 is on his way to Mos Eisley with Luke.