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What The Fuck Just Happened?”On a cool October evening in 2. Samantha Trimble walked into the lobby of Millwood Hospital, a low- slung brick building on the side of a road in Arlington, Texas, seeking a free mental health assessment. A few weeks earlier in the AP world history class Trimble taught, after a kid started acting childish, she put a diaper on his head — something she admits was a bad idea. When administrators heard about it, she was escorted off the property. Worried for her job and her ability as a single mother to support her daughter, she visited her doctor’s office in tears.
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A physician assistant asked if she wanted to talk to someone at Millwood. Just after 8 p. m. Millwood asked Trimble if she was having suicidal thoughts. Watch The Perfect House Online Free 2016. With her pastor beside her for moral support, she replied, “Well, who hasn’t had suicidal thoughts?” She said she had no intention to kill herself but joked, “It’s Texas, it isn’t that hard to get a gun.” They all laughed, she recalled. She said she had no idea that the counselor characterized the line as a plan to commit suicide. Nor did she know, she later testified in a deposition, that the dozen or so forms he gave her were anything other than standard doctor’s- office paperwork.
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- UHS also disputed BuzzFeed News’ investigation, whose conclusions, it said, “are contrary to the factual record and UHS policies and practices” and which.
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She signed them and waited for her counseling session. Rosalind Adams / Buzz.

Feed News. Samantha Trimble. It was nearly 1. 1 p. She recalled being startled to see rooms that were filled not with desks but with beds. A technician rifled through Trimble’s purse for sharp objects and then a nurse told her to strip down to her underwear. It was then, she said, that she realized the doors to the psychiatric ward had locked behind her. Trimble, who has recently reached a settlement regarding her hospitalization, recalled shaking with fear and “deep, shameful humiliation” as the nurse examined her body, noting the location of any identifying marks. All you can do,” Trimble said, “is stand there and let it happen.”The nurse handed her a small cup of pills, and soon she was asleep.

When she woke up early the next morning, she recalled thinking, What the fuck just happened? Millwood Hospital is part of America’s largest psychiatric hospital chain, Universal Health Services, or UHS.
Its more than 2. 00 psychiatric facilities across the country admitted nearly 4. The result was almost $7.
More than a third of the company’s overall revenue — from both medical hospitals and psychiatric facilities — comes from taxpayers through Medicare and Medicaid. A yearlong Buzz. Feed News investigation — based on interviews with 1. UHS staff, including 1.
UHS hospitals; more than 1. Scores of employees from at least a dozen hospitals said those facilities tried to keep beds filled even at the expense of the safety of their staff or the rights of the patients they were locking up. Current and former employees from at least 1.
UHS hospitals in nine states said they were under pressure to fill beds by almost any method — which sometimes meant exaggerating people’s symptoms or twisting their words to make them seem suicidal — and to hold them until their insurance payments ran out. A state- funded 2.
Chicago hospital found “woefully inadequate” staffing levels, a “repeated and willful failure by UHS officials to ensure that their staff were properly trained,” and a pattern of admitting more patients than it had room for “in an effort to maximize financial profit.” Investigators also flagged broader concerns, citing “troubling reports suggesting a pattern of quality of care issues, harm to patients, or major healthcare fraud charges involving UHS- operating facilities in a dozen other states.”UHS is under federal investigation into whether the company committed Medicare fraud. The probe involves more than 1 in 1. UHS psychiatric hospitals. Three are being investigated criminally — including one facing allegations that it routinely misused Florida's involuntary commitment law to lock in patients who did not need hospitalization. In March last year, the federal criminal investigation expanded to include UHS as a corporate entity, the company told investors. The company has said it strongly disputes the allegations of civil or criminal fraud and is cooperating with the investigation.
It has not been charged with any wrongdoing. UHS also disputed Buzz. Feed News’ investigation, whose conclusions, it said, “are contrary to the factual record and UHS policies and practices” and which “appears to focus on anecdotal accounts” and “personal perspectives.” It added, “Most of our patients are unable to make the same judgements regarding clinical care and appropriateness of admission and discharge that they might if undergoing other non- psychiatric medical treatment.” (Read the company’s statement here.)The company “absolutely rejects” any claim that it held patients solely for financial gain. It disputed “the alleged findings and conclusions” in the Chicago report and said UHS hospitals have provided compassionate and high- quality care to millions of patients. Citing the approval of independent regulatory agencies, it said, “Every patient care decision is made with the goal of furthering the best interests of our patients.”. UHS “absolutely rejects” any claim that it held patients solely for financial gain.
After Buzz. Feed News began reporting on UHS, the company purchased the domain name uhsthefacts. Watch Kim Possible: So The Drama Instanmovie. A person with direct knowledge of the matter said the site was intended to showcase stories of positive patient care to counter Buzz. Feed News’ investigation.
Many current and former staff spoke to Buzz. Feed News on condition of anonymity, often because they didn’t want to jeopardize future job options. About 2. 0 employees said UHS operates ethically and provides high- quality care. I can honestly say in my hospital I never felt like people were being held long after they were due to be discharged,” said Bill Niles, who ran Roxbury Hospital in Pennsylvania for eight years.“They wanted you to perform with the highest standards,” said Shari Baker, who ran Palmetto Behavioral Lowcountry Hospital in South Carolina until earlier this year.
She called UHS “a very ethical organization.”But scores of employees from at least a dozen UHS hospitals said those facilities tried to keep beds filled even at the expense of the safety of their staff or the rights of the patients they were locking up.“YOUR JOB IS TO GET PATIENTS”. Laura Buckman for Buzz. Feed News. Millwood Hospital in Arlington, Texas, on Nov. UHS was founded in 1.
Alan Miller, who is still at the helm today as CEO and board chair. Through a spokesperson, Miller declined repeated requests for an interview.) With thousands of patients getting pushed out of public hospitals, and with insurance companies willing to approve hospital stays of a month or more, the 1. But the industry soon got out of hand. By the early 1. 99. UHS was still a relatively small player, several of the top hospital chains were facing state or federal investigations and a slew of lawsuits from patients.
Meanwhile insurance companies tightened their policies, demanding shorter lengths of stay. Unable to sustain the profit margins that investors had grown accustomed to, the chains began to close or sell off hospitals. In many cases, UHS was the buyer. Kyle Hilton for Buzz. Feed News. Alan Miller.
Today UHS has more than two and a half times as many beds as its nearest competitor. But in its 2. 11 US psychiatric facilities, the company’s name is almost nowhere to be found; one hospital’s development director said including it in marketing materials was “forbidden.” UHS said it does not brand its hospitals, because “it believes strongly that all health care is local” and each hospital takes an individualized approach based on the needs of its community.
A list of UHS psychiatric hospitals can be found here. UHS said the majority of its patients are either transferred from another hospital’s emergency room or dropped off by police who felt they might pose a threat to themselves or others.